In our senior years, getting a goodnight's rest is as vital as it was in our youth. Sleep patterns change with age. If slumber eludes you, there are ways to reach the Land of Nod, Home Care Arlington has listed down for you below; Give Yourself a Bedtime The Mayo Clinic asserts that adults need 7-8 hours of sleep nightly. Going to bed and getting up on a regular schedule get your body into a normal sleep rhythm. When you establish asleep/waking schedule, follow the routine 365 days a year. Don't Go To Bed On A Full Stomach Stop eating and drinking at least two hours before bedtime. Going to bed with a full stomach can cause discomfort that interferes with sleep. Avoid Caffeine, Alcohol, and Tobacco Before Bed Despite making you feel tired, alcohol disrupts the sleep cycle. Alcohol, caffeine, and tobacco are stimulants that increase the heart rate. Going to bed relaxed yields you the best night's sleep. Optimize Your Sleep Environment Keep your bedroom cool enough ...
Home Care Assistance is working endlessly to enhance the lifestyle of aging adults in the city of Arlington.