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Showing posts from July, 2021

Helping a Senior Loved One Find Their Appetite

The National Institute of Aging sets the caloric intake for a sedentary woman over 50 at 1,600 daily. Women who get more exercise need 2,000 calories daily. Based on their activity level, men over 50 require 2,000-2,800 calories daily. When an elder loved one won't eat, their caregiver needs to know how to react. Arlington Home Care has some amazing tips for you; Why Seniors Stop Eating Oral health issues, including poorly fitting dentures, can make it challenging to eat. Depression could cause your senior loved one to lose their appetite. Some people don't like eating alone. Diminished appetite is a side effect of some medications. An inability to eat could be indicative of a severe medical issue, like dementia. Helping Older People to Regain Their Appetite Counseling, consulting a nutritionist, and social eating can all help a senior find the desire to eat. Psychological Counseling Psychotherapy addresses depression and other emotional issues that rob a senior of their...

Finding Out if Home Care is Right for You

The majority of seniors express a strong desire to age in their own homes, enjoying their independence for as long as possible. These seniors want to spend their Golden Years with the family and friends that they love, doing the activities that they enjoy. Arlington Texas Caregiver aides make it possible for your loved one to live independently while still getting the assistance they need in their senior years. The Importance of Companionship for Seniors While most people think of the physical needs of seniors, few people realize how essential it is for them to have social support. Having a network of friends and family nearby has been shown to increase life expectancy and decrease the likelihood of memory loss and injury. Busy schedules and competing responsibilities mean that it can often be a challenge to spend time with aging relatives. Home Care Arlington aides make excellent companions for your loved ones. These aides will drop in on a regular basis and act as caring friend...